SEO is when the client quickly finds your page in search engines such as Google, Safari, Firefox, Bing, etc. When that happens, it means that your page is well positioned on the Internet. It is also called organic positioning.
Previously, the yellow section was required to locate a business in your town. Today is different, to locate a business locally you need Google or social networks. But, MOST IMPORTANTLY, you can currently promote your business, not only locally, but also globally, to your entire state, country or the entire world.
So that your page can be positioned well on the Internet, it is necessary to hire an SEO expert, this is a person who is dedicated to positioning Web Pages organically on the Internet.
The disadvantage of SEO is that it is slower, it is also necessary to do a study to know if your business niche is viable or not for SEO. Sometimes SEO ranking is very fast, but this will depend on several factors, including the skill of the SEO.
The advantage is: if your website is positioned organically, then customers will visit your website and you do not have to make any additional advertising costs.